The specimens of this species form compact, up to 20 cm diameter, clusters of numerous crowded individuals. The pedal disc is broad, irregular in outline, flattened, strongly adhesive. Its diameter in large live specimens is about 10 mm. The column in live fully expanded specimens is up to 10 mm in height, widely expanded proximally and becoming more or less cylindrical above where its diameter is about 2 mm. The external appearance is very characteristic and constant.
The genus Octineon is the sole member of the family Octineonidae and currently contains three species: Octineon lindahli, Octineon suecicum and Octineon chilense, 1959.
In 2018 we published a paper recording Octineon suecicum in British Columbia. This record of a member of the genus Octineon from British Columbia is a first record for a half century since Octineon was last recorded. This record is geographically distant from all previously known locations (Spain, Norway and Chile).
Specimens from British Columbia are described in 2018 the following paper:
SANAMYAN N.P., SANAMYAN K.E., N. MCDANIEL, E.S. BOCHAROVA, 2018. First record of two genera of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria), Octineon and Edwardsiella, from the North Pacific Ocean - Invertebrate Zoology, 2018, 15(1): 1-19