(photos of Dirk Schories, specimens from Southern Chile (Punta Arenas, Fuerte Bulnes, Region de Magellanes), SE Pacific):
This small but very beautiful bright-red species was known previously as Bunodactis octoradiata. However, currently the generic name Bunodactis is regarded as invalid, and all previous Bunodactis species are now assigned to either to Gyractis or to Aulactinia. The whole set of questions regarding validity of all these genera is very complicated and cannot be easily solved, and the discussion is beyond the scope of the present website. Here we just follow Dr. K. England who suggested that former Bunodactis species possessing marginal spherules (including Bunodactis verrucosa - the type species of the genus Bunodactis) should be assigned to the genus Gyractis. Original description of this species mentions marginal spherules and therefore the correct name for the present species appear to be Gyractis octoradiata.
This species is known from Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, the Strait of Magellan, etc.
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria